5 star rating

5-stars all around

Nina Kondracki

Amazing course!

Amazing course!

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5 star rating

Engaging and informative

Nicole Harrison

This course made me feel a lot more prepared to go on posting and/or TD abroad. Alexis was a great instructor, very knowledgeable, professional and engaging.

This course made me feel a lot more prepared to go on posting and/or TD abroad. Alexis was a great instructor, very knowledgeable, professional and engaging.

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5 star rating

Superb course--highly recommend

Erin Bateman

I thought this course was extremely practical, relevant and engaging. Highly recommend to anyone travelling/working overseas. Best virtual course I have ta...

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I thought this course was extremely practical, relevant and engaging. Highly recommend to anyone travelling/working overseas. Best virtual course I have taken.

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5 star rating

Personal Security

Rennie Soobrattee

Excellent course. Theory and practical were extremely useful. Thank you LTT Team!

Excellent course. Theory and practical were extremely useful. Thank you LTT Team!

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5 star rating

great course

Jill Quinton

demonstrations of defense moves super helpful

demonstrations of defense moves super helpful

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5 star rating

very good

Liberty Moore

fantastic job, super relevant for everyone in any setting

fantastic job, super relevant for everyone in any setting

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5 star rating

Wonderful training

Rene Rabeya

5 star rating

Excellent Course!

Taylor Filiatrault

I really enjoyed taking this course. It was very informative with a lot of real life video examples and easy-to-learn demonstrations of self defense. Highly ...

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I really enjoyed taking this course. It was very informative with a lot of real life video examples and easy-to-learn demonstrations of self defense. Highly recommend for anyone!

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5 star rating

Great course!

Jennifer Donald

Great course! Lots of useful information for various situations.

Great course! Lots of useful information for various situations.

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5 star rating

Great course!

Stefan Scribleac

5 star rating

Excellent course

Stephane Cousineau

5 star rating


Elizabeth Pardo Getmanets

Facilitators are very knowledgeable and I finished the course feeling better prepared for dealing with potential challenging situations in both a professiona...

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Facilitators are very knowledgeable and I finished the course feeling better prepared for dealing with potential challenging situations in both a professional and personal context

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Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    The Danforth (Toronto) Shooting - Fusillade - 22 / 07 / 2018

  • 3

    Core Concepts - Concepts fondamentaux

    • Duty of Care - Devoir de vigilance

    • You - Vous

    • Proactive - Proactif

    • Attitude

    • Core Concepts Review - Revue des concepts Fondamentaux

  • 4

    Awareness - Connaître les risques

    • Awareness Research- Recherche et connaître les risques

    • Travel Advisory - Avertissement au voyageurs

    • ASSIGNMENT 1: Personal Action Plan - DEVOIR 1: Plan d'action personnelle

    • Register as a Citizen Abroad - Inscription des Canadiens à l’étranger

    • Your Risk Map - Votre carte des risques

  • 5


    • Risk Assessment - Évaluation du risque

    • ASSIGNMENT 2: Personal Action Plan - DEVOIR 2: Plan d'action personnelle

  • 6

    Risk Mitigation - Atténuation des risques

    • Risk Mitigation Strategies - Stratégies d'atténuation du risque

    • Robberies in Rio - Vols à Rio

    • Risk Mitigation in your Personal Action Plan - L'atténuation des risques dans votre plan d'action personnel

    • Satellite GPS Messengers and Satcoms - Appareils GPS et communication satellite

    • ASSIGNMENT 3: Personal Action Plan - DEVOIR 3: Plan d'action personnel

  • 7

    Prepared for Anything - Prêt à tout

    • Habits - Habitudes

  • 8

    Natural Disasters

    • Main Concepts - Concepts principaux

    • Earthquakes - Tremblements de terre

    • All Other Natural Disasters - Toutes les autres catastrophes naturelles

  • 9


    • Home Security - Sécurité à la maison

    • Vehicle Theft and the Garage Vulnerability - Vol de véhicule et vulnérabilité des garages

  • 10

    The Psychology and Physiology of the Stress Response - La psychologie et physiologie de la réponse du stress

    • F.E.A.R.

    • Evolutionary Psychology: The Triune Brain - Psychologie évolutionniste: le cerveau triunique

    • Fight, Flight... - Combat, Fuite...

    • Empowered by Fear - "Empowered" par la peur

    • Waffle House Shooting Press Conference - Conférence de presse de la fusillade au Waffle House

    • Adrenaline - Adrénaline

    • Adrenaline - The Fight or Flight Response - Discovery Education

    • Habits of Empowerment - Habitudes qui sont "empowering"

  • 11


  • 12

    What's Next - Prochaines étapes


    • In-person Session - Session en personne

  • 13

    (OPTIONAL) EDC - Everyday Carry

    • Prepare: Emergency SOS - Préparez: SOS d'urgence

    • Everyday Carry on You - Sur vous à tous les jours

    • Everyday Carry in your Bag - Dans votre sac de tous les jours

  • 14

    (OPTIONAL) Vehicles - Véhicules

    • Vehicle Habits - Habitudes en véhicules

    • Accidents

    • Incidents (including civil unrest)

    • Followed? - Suivi?

    • Quick re-cap

  • 15

    (OPTIONAL) Cyberspace and Surveillance

    • Cyberspace Threats and Surveillance Operations

  • 16

    (OPTIONAL) Situation: Hotels and Taxis et Hôtels

  • 17


    • Proactive - Proactif

    • Tactics - Tactiques

    • Carjacking - Détournement de véhicule

    • Express Kidnappings - Enlèvement express

    • Process Criminal - Le criminel violent

  • 18

    (OPTIONAL) Kidnapping - Enlèvement

    • Kidnapping: Proactive - Enlèvement: Proactif

    • Kidnapping: the moment - Le moment de l'enlèvement

    • Captive - Otage

  • 19

    (OPTIONAL) Gender Based Violence - Violence fondée sur le sexe

    • Women's Safety - Sécurité des femmes

    • Sexual Assault - Agression sexuelle

  • 20


    • The Knockout Game - Le jeu knockout

    • Defend: the Mental Side - Défendre: le côté mental

    • We're All Humans - Nous somes tous humain

    • Using Extreme Violence - Utilisation de violence extrême

    • Defensive Reflexes - Réflexes défensifs

    • Distract: How To Defend Yourself - Distraction: Comment se défendre

  • 21

    (OPTIONAL) Defense practice - Pratique de l'autodéfense

  • 22

    (OPTIONAL) Armed Threat - La menace armée

    • Personal Defense Weapons - Armes de défense personnelle

    • Improvised Weapons - Armes improvisées

    • Armed Threat Considerations - Considérations contre les menaces armées

    • Effective Cover - Couverture efficace

    • Armed Intruder - Intrusion armée

    • Identify the Next Potential Attack - Identifiez la prochaine attaque potentielle

    • DETECTING the Weapon(s) - DETECTER les armes

    • DEFENDING the Weapon(s) - DÉFENDRE les armes

  • 23


    • Course Critique - Évaluation de cours